On 6 July 2017 we were very pleased to host the Tech Schools STEM Future Industries Advisory Panel July meeting. This panel convened by the Secretary of the Department of Education and Training, Gill Callister and the Secretary of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Richard Bolt was established to provide advice to the Project Board and ensure high level stakeholder input into the implementation of the Tech Schools initiative. Members of the panel include Engineers Australia, AiGroup, ATSE, FIAL, Clean Energy Council, CSIRO, VECCI and the Victorian Skills Commission.
Panel members attending were shown through the Temporary facility and invited to participate in some of the activities prepared for our learning programs. This visit provided an excellent opportunity for us to demonstrate the underlying pedagogy of the school in addition to showing the flexibility of the space and activities which can be run at the site.
The meeting also provided valuable feedback for MTS and the other Tech School Directors present.
written by Ashley Van Kireken