On the 31st of October, the Monash Tech School team attended the Graeme Clark Oration held at the Plenary in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Docklands, Melbourne. The evening began with a Biomedical Showcase, where Monash Tech School exhibited a selection of the amazing prototypes Year 7 students from our partner schools have created whilst participating in our Superhumans program this year. The showcase included stalls from both industry and university groups and had participants of all ages come through.
Following the showcase, we were ushered into the Plenary auditorium for the oration of Nobel Prize Laureate Dr Harold Varmus. Dr Varmus recounted his journey into the Biomedical field and how much the landscape of research in cancer has changed during his time in the field. The oration was both very well received and inspiring to all. The oration was followed by the presentation of the Graeme Clarke award for STEM Innovation in schools to Casterton Secondary College.

At the completion of the oration, we made our way to the Graeme Clark Oration dinner and were delighted to be able to spend the evening in the company of so many esteemed scientists who currently head many of the research and industry groups around Victoria in the biomedical field. We look forward to attending next year’s event!